I have to get away from here, NOW! Staying is only going to result in me going to prison for doing something stupid in a fit of rage. My inlaws seem like the sweetest old people ever to most but those people aren't their daughter in law. They are demanding that I sell all MY possessions to pay back a loan that my husband got from them. Must be nice to kick someone while they are already down. By the way, these are the same people who had 100 acres of flourishing wildlife habitat clear cut to fund a gambling trip and cruise. They still won't shut up trying to convince me to do the same, which completely goes against everything I believe in. Well, Karma does exist, but takes it's sweet time with these people.
I have a brother who has Down's Syndrome. He has overcome the odds and is in his 40's. I love Mike beyond what words can express. A few years ago his mother(my stepmonster) who I have never gotten along with, forbid me to ever see him or my father again. We only live a few miles apart. Sunday, I put on my big girl panties, got brave and went shopping with Angie. In WalMart, guess who was down an aisle, my brother and father. They didn't see me. It was most likely for the best since she was a couple of aisles away and spotted me right off. Ever heard of "laser beam eyes"? I'd be ground meat right now if hers worked properly! I really want to have a one on one with her but what we have to discuss shouldn't be attempted in a public place. Things will get ugly, there is no way around that. 45 years of anger and hatred coming out will be catastrophic.
I have mourned the loss of our house for months now and wanted so badly to go home, that's all. Well....something in me switched suddenly. We will most likely be moving back in a couple of months from now. Someone we know bought it so we could rent to own it. The price was less than half what we owed when it was foreclosed on. Banks are so stupid! They could have let us refi and kept getting those high payments with interest. About the switch.. I don't want to go back home anymore. Back when we lost it, the plan was to live on our land which is so beautiful and completely wooded. That plan fell through due to the bitch who won't let us use our deeded easement without a long expensive lawsuit. Going back to that house means also going back to every problem that was there before. It still needs a roof, water pressure sucks, carpet is worn out, needs paint inside and out, and it is close to the road. Those are the problems that don't bother me much. Those are the easy ones! Going back means his parents will be spying on my every move again, the brother in law will have his nose stuck in everything we do, the idiots who ride loud 4 wheelers all hours of the day and night will still be driving me crazy, and for some reason everyone thinks our driveway is a park and party spot at 3 am. Living in travel trailer doesn't seem so bad now. It is pretty nice, just way too small. I'd gladly take it and move somewhere far away with my dogs, cats and plants. Just that, he can stay here with that house and enjoy it all by himself for all I care.
All my life, I have never really wanted to run away from here. Each time I went somewhere for a few days, it made me so homesick. I was born here and have lived here since. All the problems, bad times, loss of loved ones, family disputes never made me want to leave and not look back. I'll be 46 in July. I want to leave now. My pets are all that give me a reason to hang around. I know that Angie will eventually end up where I go, so I don't have to worry about seeing her again. There's nothing else keeping me stuck in a place that is full of closed minded people, no jobs cause here it's who you know or who you blow, a bunch of church drunk hypocrites, and small town gossip. I have not had any real quality of life since my grandpa died. We hung out, went places, and were the best of friends. He was so good at keeping me sane. We would get in the car and just drive. We enjoyed so much that most take for granted. One time we drove for hours just to get good slug burgers. It was new adventure everytime. Those are the memories I treasure. There was nothing better than those times we would drive just to see the beauty of sunshine and see the gifts nature has blessed us with. I miss him more than I have ever missed anyone or anything. He was so cool. Always wore overalls and had the pockets full of gadgets that he might just need if something happened. He loved and respected this planet and all the creatures living on it. If I could only remember half of the wisdom he shared with me, my life would be so much better now. Oh, he was so stubborn and set in his ways! I was still his little redheaded girl that stayed on his heels every step he made. There's nothing I can do to bring him back, I have already tried like a fool, a crazy deranged fool. My soul died the day he stopped breathing. This sounds so bad, but I couldn't even be at the funeral home without being completely drunk and doped up. Believe me, people don't understand that one bit. It was the only way I could be at the time. I don't go visit his grave, he's not there. He is with me and will never leave me, he promised. He never lied to me, so I know that is true.
I'm going out of my mind trying to figure out my get the hell out of here plan. I won't be homesick this time. I need a new start, a job, a whole new life and that is my goal from here on out. No matter what roles I have to play in the drama right here right now, my only chance for happiness is to get away. I am not any more special than anyone else but I feel like I have the right to at least be happy. It's been a rough life so far and I have to change that somehow someway. I have been beat half to death by drunks, had my hard earned money stolen by people I trusted, spent years trying to help others who won't even help themselves, watched helplessly while everything I owned went up in flames, cried out for help while others laughed in my face, and worst of all been mentally tortured over and over again for no legitimate reason. Physical abuse is not near as painful as mental abuse. I look back now and wonder which time I went left when I should have turned right. I will find a way to be happy again, I have to. Staying here is not an option anymore. There's a place for me. I just have to run away to get there.